Oil Field Injury Lawyer in Abilene, TX

Oil Derrick 3 Killed in West Texas Oil Well Blowout According to the spokesperson for Chesapeake Energy, 3 oilfield workers lost their lives , and a fourth person suffered injuries after an oil well blew out. The cause of this tragic oilfield accident is still under investigation. The accident happened in Burleson County on January 29th. While this story is relatively new, the type of account is as old as the oil and gas drilling industry. Even though there are far fewer injuries and accidents that happen during the oil extraction process these days, they still occur at an alarming rate. Tragic stories like this one happen enough that people know working on a drilling rig is a dangerous job. However, just because there are inherent dangers in a situation, that doesn't mean that employers aren't still required to provide a safe work environment. When it comes to worker safety, most employers do a good job of making sure the proper training and protective measure...