Slip and Fall Lawyers - Personal Injury Lawyers Abilene Texas
Slip and Fall Lawyers - Personal Injury Lawyers Abilene Texas Slip and fall injuries can happen at practically any place of employment. All it takes is one careless placement of something in the walkway or a spill in an inconspicuous area. Next thing you know, you have chronic back pain and a broken wrist or tailbone. I understand that is an extreme case of what can happen in this hypothetical situation. However, all too often, someone falls because of another person's negligent, careless or just outright lazy behavior. Seeking Treatment People may fall and feel like it's not a big deal. Maybe just some initial pain sets in and then you feel fine afterward. The problem with back pain and injuries is that the true extent of the injury may not manifest for quite some time. It could be weeks or even years later. Let's say you fell on the job and you felt fine after a few hours. You should first report the injury to the appropriate people. The reason you want to do this is ...