Nursing Home Abuse - Personal Injury Lawyers in Abilene TX
Nursing Home Abuse - Personal Injury Lawyers in Abilene TX
For most people, the decision to place a family member is not an easy one to make. People sometimes find themselves in a situation where their loved one simply needs more attention and care than can be given. People have to work and may not be able to give the required amount of care that is needed for their parents or grandparents. This tough decision usually comes with a certain concern regarding the well being and safety of their loved one. We have all seen some sort of story about how bad people can be treated in nursing homes. This concern makes the decision to leave them in the care of strangers even harder to make.
Nursing Home Abuse
There are several different types of abuse that can occur in a nursing home or home health care setting. All too often, we hear the stories of a person being abused by a caregiver at a home or at the victim's home. The abuse can be physical, mental or sexual in nature. Physical abuse happens when a caretaker harms a person through physical violence or forces them to do something against their will. Mental abuse may be much harder to notice because the abuse may not leave very much evidence in the aftermath. Elderly people are often less capable of doing the normal everyday things like showering and going to the bathroom unassisted. Sometimes they may be made to be ashamed of these things and possibly can be blackmailed for financial gain because they would want to be spared any further humiliation. Sexual abuse is pretty self-explanatory and could be considered the most reviled of the abuses.
Preventing Abuse
There may be no way to completely stop the possibility of abuse in the nursing home. However, there are some suggestions that you may try that could possibly help. Keep an active role in your loved one's care. By being present and making sure the staff sees that you are coming to visit a lot, anyone who has these dastardly tendencies might think twice about harming your loved one. Doing research, calling the Better Business Bureau for information, and reading reviews about a prospective care facility may help you find one that is less likely to have staff that harms your family. There will always be the possibility of harm and as such, you should communicate regularly with staff and your loved one so that you might notice anything strange quickly.
Lawyers in Abilene Texas
If you are having problems with abuse towards your loved ones, contact Galbreath Law Firm. We will fight to give the representation that your family deserves.
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